Holy fangirl:
>[en] So, we have the Millenium Falcon at the Star Wars area, six people can enter there, two in the pilot seat. Me and ILuIlU were there, no idea at all how to drive it, so we crashed a lot of times!
>[en] Driving the Millenium Falcon is too difficult!
>38:04 [en] I was in the vertical ladder, ILuIlu was in the horizontal, and we crashed everyone. I do admire Han Son and Chewbacca!
>[en] "The Rebel forces uniform episode was hilarious" Yes, I went to the Imperial forces base using a Rebel uniform, and everyone inside suddenly became harsh to us.
>39:35 [en] Actually the Empire soldiers were playing harsh to everyone, but especially to us because I was in Rebel costume.
>40:16 [en] I was hyped, "wow, I'm a Rebel hero at Empire base", MikoMiko was freakened and IluIlu, ""nice, they are doing their job"
>EN: When I went to the star wars area, I was like oh I wanna do this and this and this and that! I really loved the x wing and the tie fighter, its awesome!
>[en] I was completetely out of my own, WHOA, THE T-FIGHTER! THE X-WING! Talking to everyone about what every thing meant!
>40:52 EN: The x wing was so cool! I wanna go again!!
>[en] R2D2 said that to me, so cute.
>41:10 [en] I DO WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN!!!
>41:31 [en] "Can you understand what R2D2 said?" Yep, I know. Pipopipopi
>41:54 EN: I cried after leaving the star wars area
>42:23 [en] After going there, I cried a lot. I criead all the time. I really felt like I was in the movies, I cried like crazy. That was too much for me!
>42:59 [en] Absolutely amazing! ILuIlu allowed me to go two times. "What about going there again?" And I "YES, I DO WANT" and went there both days.
>[en] I tought a bit about doing a video, but I didn't... I prefered to paint it in the canvas inside my heart. I carved it to my eyes!
>43:43 EN: I didn't use the lightsaber, it was so huge!
>43:53 [en] The Star Wars area, that was really amazing!
>44:26 [en] A lot of small kids was following us, when we were looking for merchs... I was wondering what they were talking about...
>44:29 [EN] "Did you make a lightsaber?" Noo, I didn't get to! It's way too big!!!
>44:50 [en] Only later I noticed they said my Rebel Forces parker was cool!
>[EN] There was also a kid following me along, and I was wondering what the heck that was about, but turns out he really liked my Rebel Forces hoodie! I properly thanked him after and I felt bad