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Why are women so fucking awful at platformers?

No.65133215 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This bitch just started a stream playing Super Mario Bros 3 and it's some of the absolute worst gameplay I've ever seen. 50 minutes to beat the first 2 levels and then dies at the next level and has to restart. We're talking complete inability to do the simplest of tasks like jump over singular enemies or holes. I watched Korone, Koyori, Irys and Miko play Super Mario World and they were equally awful, as was Coco when she played Super Mario Bros. Like, I understand if you fall into a hole once or twice but when you fall into the same hole 20 fucking times, it's a problem. Is ANY vtuber actually competent at platformers? Not even good, just competent. By this point, I am convinced that Super Mario of all things is The Great Filter that exposes all women as NPCs. This shit isn't meant to be a rage game so why are you making it into one? Holy fuck.