>>65400529To be accurate and fair,
>a rare attribute on 4chanAs far as Bijou failing: i have been watching Holo-stats for some time, and there is a diminishing return.
>---SUBS wise:FuwaMoco, the baddest of the new EN girls, has just barely caught up with the bottom of ID.
Mumei, the leader of EN 2, is barely close to the 1mil mark.
The new JP lot is led by Lady Raden, and she's just barely tickling the balls of Shiori, the bottom of EN3
>---VIEWS wise:( i do consider views to be more fair, but they can shift due to youtube's changing counter policies and purges.)
--The Hologra channel has ended up mogging all in views, oddly.
Marine leads the OG pack, followed by Susei
Mori leads the EN
Gura is only 9th by views, and the next EN on the chart is oddly Kiara at 22nd.
ID badass Kobo is the highest ID, but that's at 34th place.
>i'm not even going to cover the cesspit that is HolostarsThere is a trend that, in subscribers, there is a definite law that the new people will have less subs than their senpai, barring the rising star types. In views, that tends to simply balance out to age.
Bijou is new, therefore unless something crazy happens, she will remain less than Gura.
We tend to forget: the 1st arrival of EN to Hololive was MAGIC. those gals were lucky enough to be at the formative edge of a new thing that showed up at the perfect time.
Compare NIJI EN males: they mogg the Holoversiosn since they were the first and they grabbed the energy while the concept was fresh.
>(too bad they have sided with Reddit and Twitter)So,unless you were the first, or unless you are an On-Fire innovator, you will obey the law of age.