>>65443774> I'm convinced the real problem is the company>bla bla bla cope cope copeNigger, if you are for real, listen closely because this is the last time i bring this shit up.
It isn't just the company that is terrible. Like >we have been telling you this entire time, everything about nijisanji and its nijinigger talents is rotten to the core.
They are shit, they don't give a shit about >you, their content is shit, their relationships are shit and blatantly fake, and >YOU are shit for pretending to enjoy their content.
I don't know how many times you have been told in the last 3 years that nijiniggersanji is a shit company with shit drama magnet talents that are entirely fucking worthless pieces of scum, but regardless you keep ignoring the obvious signs of it and everyone pointing it out, just to act suprised as shit that this sort of crap keeps happening. It is frankly ridiculous, how the fuck can you not realise this at this point? Most of the time I wouldn't even say anything because I'd think that anyone this delusional is probably a shill, but the way you wrote your post makes me think otherwise, which is even worse in my opinion, because surely you can't be a productive member of society if you are this gullible/straight up dumb