Apologies, but I started this project last thread and wasn't able to finish it before this one.
>>6550923You know, I actually wanted to check something, so I went ahead and did some (EXTREMELY ROUGH SO DON'T TAKE IT AS GOSPEL) calculations on that subject.
If you look at the data that's being posted, /hlgg/ has a very stable average of about 20,000 posts per day, with /vt/ currently having about 39,000 posts per day, dispersed deep between 149 other threads every day.
I want to calculate a VERY rough estimate of board traffic per the data available on hand, and to do so, let's assume the average traffic of /hlgg/ can be extrapolated across the rest of the board. First, let it be known that all of my calculations are rounded to the nearest whole number. Second, let me define the terms I'll be using in this post:
>PPD: Posts Per Day, the amount of individual posts made each day on average.>Person: The average poster. One Person = One IP.>Schizophrenic: Schizophrenic posters, defined here to account for both the truly insane people (see; Orc, Sinfag), as well as aggregating various lesser schizos across various timezones.>RoI: Return on Investment, the gains that result from an action taken.We have a rough average of about 300 IPs per thread, which obviously dips in some hours and peaks in other hours. Within that rough average, I applied a ratio of "Schizophrenic to Poster" at a rate of 1/100, and thus assumed we have 3 people who can be classified as "Schizophrenic," that is to say, shitposters who spread drama, false flag and go crazy throughout the day.
Assuming this value of "Schizophrenic" can reliably account for a crazy person posting on cooldown, let's then set that value to run every twelve hours, assuming the other twelve hours of the day have to be taken up by tasks for survival, that is, sleeping, eating, working or otherwise gathering funds, and the time it would take to evade a ban.
That means one post every minute, sixty posts every hour, and 720 posts per day within that twelve hour period. Multiply that by three for my guesstimate rate of "1 Schizophrenic Per 100" and apply it to this thread's 300 average IP, and you get 2,160 posts per day by the collective Schizophrenic population of these threads. Applying that to the 20,000 PPD of these threads, that means despite being 1% of the thread's population, Schizophrenics are the result of 11% of posts within the threads, rounded up.
Now, let's assume another idea: Investment matching return. Ideally, Schizophrenics wouldn't operate without a profitable RoI, and being generous, let's assume that a rate of One-to-One is acceptable. So in order for a Schizophrenic to continue to operate, they need an RoI of one (You) for every post they make. Assuming that, and applying it to the threads, means that the Schizophrenic and their RoI account for 4,320 of the 20,000 PPD, or 22% of the thread.
Now, take that and apply a factor that is less scientific, more gut reaction: Threads outside of this one (or colonies of this one, or other generals) are worse than ours. So assuming the IP to PPD ratio remains the same, apply the Schizophrenic ratio to the rest of the board at a slightly increased rate, from 1/100 to 2/100, under the assumption that the rest of the board is only slightly worse. Since the rest of the board makes up almost a full second half, let's run it as if it was a clean half. So we have 20,000 posts again, and that means we can estimate 300 average IPs throughout the rest of those posts, and from that, assuming a 2/100 ratio of Schizophrenic to Person, we have six Schizophrenics dispersed across the rest of the board. That means that out of the approximately 20,000 posts out there, 4,320 of them are Schizophrenic posts, meaning 22% of all outside traffic posts are Schizophrenic in nature. Assuming the RoI concept holds true outside /hlgg/ as well, that means 43% of all off-/hlgg/ traffic is made up of Schizophrenic posters and their RoI.
If you were to group both entities together, that would give all of /vt/ 40,000 PPD, and about 600 average posters. Out of those 600, an average of 9 are Schizophrenic. Out of the 40,000 PPD, 6,480 of the posts are made by Schizophrenics, meaning a full 16% of all PPD are made by 9 extremely mentally disturbed people. Schizophrenic PPD + RoI account for 12,960 of the 40,000 PPD, or 32% of all board activity.
In total, if you were to find a way to permanently ban all 9 Schizophrenics from the board, the collective board population would drop by just a bit less than 2%, while dropping the total board activity by nearly a full third, and that is assuming the lightest possible RoI on Schizophrenic activities.
I find that utterly FASCINATING.