>ITT: Madonna-Whore complex and people taking sidesI think there’s a better comparative
A trio of ladies: the steady, wise Wife, the sexual, often lively Seductress, and the innocent Child.
The Wife is the calmer, more reliable personality, and is someone around whom one could build a home life. This does not necessarily mean she is motherly. The Seductress is passionate, sexually experienced and independent. The "Child" (who does not have to be a literal child) is innocent, perhaps painfully so, sweet and kind.
So in short, a triad of:
-Calm and Capable
-Hot and Sexy
-Playful and Innocent
All three character types are considered to be very feminine — with Child representing Light Feminine, Seductress representing Dark Feminine and Wife being in the middle. Instead of butch, femme, and neither it's (lady-like) femme, (overtly sexy) femme, and (girly) femme.