>>6806948>I maybe wrong but I think her English skills is the second best in HoloJPI was going to disagree with you but I can't think of anyone who's obviously more skilled. Maybe some of the other girls have better pronunciation (which I think is Sora's weakest area at the moment, probably because she learns from textbooks and not lessons with a teacher) but Sora's reading comprehension is better than most and she makes the effort to form sentences herself rather than using google translate as a crutch.
Also I assume you mean just hololive when you say HoloJP. If we include holostars then Temma is quite strong, he's been taking his lessons very seriously>>6807222>I think Sora could take the next step and do English collabs.I dunno if she's confident enough in her abilities yet but I think it could go ok. Maybe she can start off with the Pekora/Moona method where you start off typing messages in minecraft chat while working together on a building. That way she has time to think about what the other person is saying and can get chat to help when it's tricky. It's something they might be able to do when the servers get linked (which will hopefully happen soon).