>>656688Haachama has collabed with EN more than anyone actually. There've been a lot more Haachama+EN collabs than there have been actual inter-EN collabs.
It's just that it appears she's dissatisfied because she wants to be even closer to them, to use the hashtag and play on their server and everything. Considering she studied in Australia for years as well etc, Haato probably is a massive Westaboo so it's not surprising she's so in love with EN.
As for Coco, the China shit is still going on with her and so it's just for the best she be kept away until it dies down. Considering Coco has done things like meme review with a bunch of random Holos now like Mio or Peko, who haven't caught the bug spam? I think maybe it's a bit overzealous a worry at this point. However, ENs being Westerners aka default enemies to Chinese probably does make them at a more elevated risk for it than usual if they got close to Coco.