>>66194912This isn't hololive where each talent will have manager and at worst it's one manager between two talents. In niji you'll be lucky if your entire wave has its own dedicated manager.
But the real issue is that there is a big boss for EN in Japan. He's overbearing and micro managing. All managers report to him and have to ask for anything from him.
The clique are cosy with him because they're Stockholm syndromed and think that being in line with a bully boss makes things easy for them. However those that the boss turns on are shunned by the clique.
Zion literally explained all of this.
A huge issue with the toxic work culture in nini comes from a guy in Japan who oversees the entire EN branch and is a complete cunt. Because he micro manages everything RN talents do you have a group of them who will be his little bitches and shun others to get his approval so he doesn't fuck them over. All the EN managers have to have their decisions ratified by him.
In Zions manifesto she calls him her managers manager.
I've seen this before in work places with toxic bosses or toxic higher management. The toxic boss ostracizes people he doesn't think are pulling their weight and others to avoid him getting angry at them too turn on this person.
That's what is happening at nijiEN. He must have a lot of power because nijiJP management which should be higher up havent had issue with RN literally collapsing in front of their eyes because of this guy.
Don't get me wrong, the clique is still to blame. But according to Zion this is the reason nijiEN is dying.