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she made it

No.66295775 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Biboo lived her normal life
>went to school, got a job, doing normal shit in a normal life
>nothing wrong at all, but entirely because it was "expected," no inherent drive
>sees Myth debut
>realizes this is literally her perfect life aspiration
>immediately drops everything else in her life that isn't directly letting her survive and starts focusing her entire life on making it into Hololive
>grinds out for THREE YEARS from nothing
>puts herself in the pool of thousands of other women
>actually fucking does it
>not only does she make it in, but she finds out it's even better than she was expecting
>absurdly grateful, feel like there's magic in the world, and has nothing but thanks and love in her heart for everyone that watches her and lets her live her dreams in reality.