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No.66545866 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Feminists believe that if a man does not cry it is unhealthy. That by supressing his emotions he will eventually snap.
>At the same time feminists believe that removing any type of lewdness from fictional art such as video games, anime and manga, a place that single men may use to channel their pent up sexuality, is completely fine and will not carry any societal issues.
Feminists are fucking pathetic. Shit like this just makes me more misogynist. From now on, everytime cute lolis and sexy women in anime, manga and video games are censored or banned and we get ugly looking feminist goyslop shit instead, i'll harass women in real life. I already throw eggs at them, shoot them with my airsoft gun and point flashlight at them at night from my balcony. If they continue this stupid shit, i'll start raping them. I live in Finland, so even if i get caught, i most likely only get couple of weeks of jail, discharged or 50€ fines. You have to ask yourself which one is more important: the life of real women or the life of pixels and drawings of hot women and cute lolis? The choice is yours. Tick tock, the clock is ticking, ladies and gentlemen. And the choice is?
And yes this is a threat. I will continue to make this post until women and their simps cease their retarded mindset and their hatred towards men.
>so forever?
>good luck with that
Thanks. There's plenty of women in this world. I'm sure i won't be bored. No one can blame for what happens to them either desu, this the fate they chose for themselves the day when they decided to invade men's spaces and ruin our hobbies.
Also, fuck zoomers too for defending these cunts and being such sex negative little freaks. Fucking cunts except me to save the world for them while at the same time taking anything i like and enjoy away from me. I never recycle ever again. I do whatever it takes to make this world more shitty and miserable for you little cunts. You don't deserve a natural death.