Nobody is streaming right now but that doesn't mean you should use it to shitpost and start stupid timeloops again. Earlier today, Ina, Nene, Kiara, Mori, Aki and Mel had an amazing (albeit too short) collab of Knockout City today. You could also check out Watame's special Saturday Night Fever which was an Endurance to 1m that she blue out of the park. It was seriously one of her best Night Fevers yet. Reine also had an absolutely hilarious run of ZLR again today, filled lots of laughing at death and straight brute forcing. Hell you can even check out Towa or Astel's APEX streams since today was the start of CR Cup scrims. So many streams to catch up on, so many reps. Do your reps /hlgg/!
Speaking of reps, did you know that Rurinee put out this incredible cover of Absolute 5 today? She even managed to put together an elite group of individuals in the form of Nene, Suisei, Saki and MaiR giving this song some super powerful vocals and feelings. If you've missed out on listening this absolute gem of a cover, I implore you to reconsider and get to streaming it, you ears will be healed by the near perfection of this song. friends, where we at?