>>67202736I'm gonna be real with you as a Twitch viewer since the site started and even before with JustinTV, I simply cannot relate to the obsession YTfags have with VODs.
While I definitely understand the need for VODs in terms of preservation and archival, as a viewer I simply do not care.
If I can't catch them live then I just fuckin' miss out and I'll watch them next time. If there's anything truly important I missed it'll be clipped or highlighted.
Livestreams are a medium of the now, it's live. Watching a VOD just doesn't have the same feel.
At any rate the extent to which any Twitch streamer archives their VODs is entirely dependent on them and how much they personally care about their VODs.
Pomu for example may care a great deal and reliably archive her streams.
Or hell, maybe she'll just keep streaming on YouTube. Because that is also an option. Or maybe she'll simulcast.