>>67588964You assume that people are inherently unequal and that some are more useful than others. This is a biased and arbitrary way of judging human worth, and it ignores the social and historical factors that shape people’s opportunities and abilities.
You claim that no system can contribute to the common good, because no one can know what the common good is. This is a cynical and nihilistic view of society, and it denies the possibility of democratic deliberation and ethical reasoning.
You equate the free market with freedom, and argues that people get what they ask for and deserve. This is a simplistic and naive understanding of how markets work, and it overlooks the power imbalances and market failures that distort the outcomes.
And you reduce capitalism to the free market plus private property rights, and ignores the historical and institutional aspects of capitalism. Capitalism is not a natural or inevitable system, but a specific and contingent one that emerged from colonialism and industrialization.
But a 'good' company would:
- recognize the potential and dignity of every worker, and would not exploit them for profit.
- engage with its stakeholders and the public, and would seek to balance its own interests with those of the environment and the community.
- not rely on the market alone, but would also follow social norms and regulations that ensure fairness and accountability.
- acknowledge the limits and problems of capitalism, and would explore alternative and innovative ways of organizing production and distribution.