>>68135361>Yeah but /u/ has X-Pac Heat statusI'm gonna be that /pw/ nerd and say that this is wrong because people have always, ALWAYS hated /u/ and their antics, and that's not what happened with X-Pac. There's this wierd misconception that people never liked X-Pac and that's completely untrue, he was one of the strongest babyfaces of 1999, to the point of imo being one of the top 5 face wrestlers in the company (during a time when The Rock and Austin were still active). The he went heel against Kane and effectively spat on a fan-favorite storyline. They they just did...nothing with his character. He just stayed a scumbag, and everyone realized "oh, that's all there's ever going to be to X-Pac, and we have zero reason to root for him so...go away please" to the point that we just got sick of seeing him every time he came on stage.
Was /u/ EVER liked?