>>6819930a pretty nice attempt at disinformation. ive seen this level of photo editting only on government levels before. truly impressive, but let me debunk it.
>create youtube account with duplicate name ot mori's channel>apply for the permission to youtube livestream, takes 24-48 hours (you must have prepared in advance?)>create a livestream with the exact title you wish mori's livestream to have>this must be done concurrently to her actual livestream to flaw out any inconsistenciesok, now this is where it gets interesting
>take the numbers from a previous livestream of calliope mori's>edit them a little via html editing to make them seem more believable and less "random" (in fact ironically, the random numbers of a livestream dont appear random, and by tweaking them you actually make them appear more fake to experts such as myself, but more real to the layman) >open photoshop and splice the screenshot of the numbers together with the fake livestream titlenow here is the real icing on the cake
>take a screenshot, of ANYTHING on screen>swap the name of the screenshot file with the name of the fake image you have created>et voila. you have created an image to fool /vt/sadly all your effort is in vein, as if you go to the original youtube link, it does infact say a pretty "OK" nigger. that was the original title of mori's livestream.