>>6890690Coco design was like 6-7/10 to me, looks really nice in 3D but looked kind of dopey most of her existence until 2.0 updates/new costumes. Her voice like 5/10, mickey mouse shit. Personality is like 5/10.
Ollie's design is easily an 8/10, and her voice is like 9/10 actually very very cute. Personality is like 2/10 I fucking cannot stand her at all.
Irys's design is 4-5/10, I can tolerate it on a good day or seeing some cute art but it never really looks that good. Voice is just meh 5-6/10, but she has a sweet personality and surprisingly that is her strongest pull as maybe 7/10.
... Really though the reason for the waning of interest in her is not grand mystery at all. NijiEN now is on parity with HoloEN for livers and actually on-average they have probably more you'd like overall than HoloEN. Lazulight was iffy and a lot of people would generally feel there are 1-2 good ones they'll actually watch frequently, but Obsydia for most is easily 2/3 very good ones and so that tripled the amount of watchable non-Holo streams from them. For the moment NijiEN does everything it can to copy HoloEN as its pattern but several of their livers have more energy/pull to them and they're brand new and hitting the ground running vs the rather worn-out feeling HoloENs with their constant breaks/tummy horts shit. You can see it that this business of near-daily streaming does take a toll after a while and a lot of people can't actually keep up the effort endlessly. However when starting out fresh they haven't had that mileage put on them mentally yet so it's an exciting new frontier learning about them and seeing their local memes/chat microculture etc developing before your very eyes.
If rrats are to be believed HoloEN2 will in fact drop very soon however and so NijiEN may be kind of a side fling for many. I'm kind of thinking Irys is going to be sandwiched in the middle of all this and possibly forgotten in all the chaos of exciting new chuubas, but eventually after people calm down will remember she exists again.