>>68967773Spanish has male and female gendered words, something trannies and SJWs can't stands. So they try to start using a "gender neutral" Latinx instead of "Latino" (male) or Latina (Female).
This of course, means that you respect and include us latinos so muh you want to manipulate our language to conform to your brainrot, which is why we hate it. I unironically prefer other insults like spic or beaner than Latinx, since it pretends to be well-meaning but it's more disrespectful than the other two.
In Argentina liberals also tried to do something similar by using the suffix "-es" as gender neutral insead of "os" or "as", but it got as much flak as latinx
Latinos as a whole are usually very conservative, which is something that is not understood by many. This is why memes such as the "trad latina wife", "white supremacist called José Maria" or "grammar nazi latinos" exist