Something else I noticed when I originally started shilling this rrat, but stopped including because it sounded too schizo, but which I now believe:
Remember the niji discord leaks? Look at the usernames. Some livers on discord use only their first names, including one Millie Parfait. Now go look at the screenshots in Elira's video. Who was it behind the blacked out bars? We assumed it was a manager, but look at the length of the censor. Looks about 6 letters no? And it's and obvious ESL. Now that doesn't prove anything in and of itself, but consider the following:
>where did Elira get those screenshots from? theres no way an adult Japanese salarymen from real management sent those over to her and said "go get em tiger" so she must have had ready access to them
>who immediately was so offended by Selen's actions that she went straight to twitter within minutes to scold Selen acting like she knew Selen didn't have perms? The person who was just ignored of course.
>the typing style of the manager is pretty cutesy and whimsical for a japanese ESL salaryman no? what with the ...! and all. But still is obvious ESL. Which talents are ESL?
>Dokibird blocked that guy defending Millie on twitter.
>would Selen actually just straight up ignore one of the Japanese upper management like that? And shouldn't the Japanese management be able to quickly give permission to use ex-Livers? Or did she just get fed up with Millie power tripping
>And finally, Millie uses a lot of ... in her typing
Any forensic chad want to analyze the writing style and try to verify or debunk this?