>>69097329>It's not a national holiday, but many Japanese people still take time off to spend with their loved ones.Sure, and lots of EN Livers make bank hand over first that day with holiday streams. Speaking from personal experience: jobs in entertainment involve unusual hours.
>Don't forget, it wasn't only Christmas/Eve, but also NijiFes, which is way more important than a bog-standard cover perms check.First of all, only a few EN livers were involved in Nijifes 2023. I get that personnel gets bounced from one team to another to support big events, but the idea that there's no one around to do a perms check is silly. Secondly, isn't this just one more reason to be proactively checking the video ahead of time? It's not hard to send an email to the effect of "hey Selen I'll be busy during Nijifes, can you send me the artwork you commissioned for Last Cup of Coffee so I can check it now?"
>Have you ever been in a situation where you're assigned to work on a project with a deadline, and the people before you take months to do their part, and they only give it to you to do your part with only like 2 days to spare? Shit fucking sucks.This metaphor doesn't work for the reasons I laid out above-- an employee-manager relationship is not the same as a group project in which the group members are all peers. I manage a small team in my workplace, and it's my job to know what they're currently working on, know the timetable that I/they have identified for that work to be done, and proactively communicate with team members so that they're prioritizing and ordering tasks in a way that leaves everyone with enough time to complete their part of the workflow.
You know what Nijisanji could have shown me to convince someone with my background that Selen was in the wrong? A message from a manager asking about the video that was left on "read." A request to Selen to have final perms check done by the 20th where she just blew through the deadline. I can't imagine why these pieces of evidence weren't shown unless they don't exist, and if managers weren't taking these steps then they were incompetent at best and (potentially) actively malicious at worst.