>>69313195>said was what was stated in the document wasn't harassment.That's up to the court, not her.
>Doki said this out the top of her head without consulting lawyers.And you know this, how?
>She admitted that she believes law is complicated. She is not a reliable source on legality.That's why she lawyered up, and have not made any legal mistakes yet. When did she say she was a legal expert?
>Niji immediately said it was legal for them to read the document meaning they ran it through checks and lawyers to see what could and couldn't be said. Except for the fact that no lawyer worth their salt would have approved of the stream. Even laymen like me, who only took first year law electives could tell you this.;
>Defending yourself from claims made in document isn't a hit piece. You defend yourself in court, since, you know, proper procedures were followed with the other party having sent sealed legal documents to you.
>They didn't insult her or lie about her.And? We're talking about whether doing the stream was a smart thing to do. Keep up with the conversation, nijikek.
>Let's see if you keep the same tune when you get accused of a crime you didn't commit and your life goes to shitI would lawyer up with a reputable firm and not read out confidential documents online, in front of tens of thousands of people who had no business knowing their contents. Because, you see, it's the smart thing to
do.Is this really the best the ndf could send?