>>69496832Depends on what they actually want to know with that question. If it's about finding out how much they thought about what makes a successful youtuber you would let them talk until you have a grasp of that.
If it's more of a self-promotion thing I.E. what are your strengths that make you think you can be a top player. You interject with a question, maybe put on a bit of pressure (you are talking about what makes Gura good, but what I want to know what makes you competitive to Gura) if you want to see how they react to that.
The dumb part of this question is that Gura has things going for her that many don't. She already built a big following in her PL. And Gura's Design is very iconic, and memorable, due to its simplicity, so very marketable. Gura was already showing signs of becoming the most popular Myth member when the designs were revealed.
And then it's topped off with a experienced and successful streamer with a cute voice. She was kind of a perfect package for a debut. (Myth in general was a very strong debut)