>>69509109Macca's became ma ka zu
z and j sounds are interchangeable depending on regional dialect
Run became ron
Ma ka z/juron
And just the way japanese enunciates the r in ron makes it sound similar to don. I don't know if you've noticed, but when jp speakers are presented with an unfamiliar pronunciation, they mumble and slur their words together, sort of like when a school choir forgets the lyrics and just kind of mumble in tune. This is a defense mechanism from school. You just kind of space out in english class because you don't care, and when it's your turn to stand up and answer teacher's question you just sort of mumble something that kind of has the same tune as what you last hear and hope you get a pass. They would probably have an easy time getting through this game is they broke what they were hearing down by syllable or vowel-consonant pair and just worked through them one at a time, but that would require listening carefully to english and you cannot pay a japanese person enough to do that unless they plan to date a foreigner.
As for my shout, that was on Bae. She wasn't enunciating the T at the end of shout clearly, so to the japanese-speakers it sounded like it ended in an empty vowel and they just filled in the blank with whatever sound made sense to them.