>>69752914Congrats, you baited me into writing an essay on such a lovely Thursday afternoon:
Ok, your point is that Nazis and leftists use the same methods of discrimination. Let’s get into that. The Nazis methods were designed explicitly to exclude Jews from Germany. The Nazis were ultra-nationalist, meaning their most basic principle was that the German state should be an expression and indeed a natural extension of the will of the German people, with who the German people are being defined on strictly racial lines. Due to their separate culture, descent and identity the Jews were considered alien from this definition of Germanness. Due to this separation, the Jews were seen to be not connected to the wellbeing of the German nation, with allegations of Jewish greed coming from the idea that this separation would mean they would not care about exploiting Germans as their loyalties are to their Jewishness not to Germany. This skepticism of the Jew’s intentions towards Germany at large meant that Nazi discrimination was designed to eliminate Jews from any cultural, social or economic facets of the life of the nation. Consequently, discrimination manifested in laws including the banning of intermarriage, the banning of Jews from flying German flags or emblems, the denial of German citizenship for Jews and of course eventually spiraling into outright attempts at physical extermination.
This is fundamentally different to the grievances and methods of discrimination employed by modern lefty types. Leftist anti-whitism is based on ideas of sins committed by whites in the past which must be atoned for in order to fit into their new world order. It is a policy of assimilation into their raceless world, where ethnic differences are put aside to build their economic utopia. Modern American leftist anti-whitism has no intention of exclusion, and instead seeks to incorporate whiteness into a sort of hybrid mutt identity: leftists would never ban intermarriage like the Nazis did. Affirmative action, for example, does not intend to remove all whites from universities, merely make sure they are sitting next to a Mexican and black woman. This stems from the leftist’s fundamental belief the primary division between people is economic class, and their racial policies are designed to overcome class inequalities which they believe have come into being partially along racial lines.
In short, anti-Semitic Nazi policies are designed to preserve a perceived purity of their group. A Jew can never become a German. Leftist policies instead seek to drag white people and indeed all races into their future universal class. by giving up certain things a white oppressor can become a member of this utopian future.