>>69898220Let's go down the list
>ObsydiaSlugma and Fishman are absolutely prepping their nets for that poaching expedition. Fishman's wanted to complete the Tsunderia Collection for years, and the rarest and most impossible piece is about to go on the market.
Petra has marketable skills and isn't an awful streamer. She's also largely avoided all of this shit. She'd be worth a look for a corpo.
>LuxiemLuca and Vox are too risky for any established corpo, but a low-tier corpo looking for anything they can would pick them up despite the risks.
Shu is Elira Simp Prime so he's implicated in the cliquefaggotry.
Ike was in one of the worst streams in 2024 and somehow escaped unscathed, and arguably got positive attention out of it. I'd hire him just because of how much sheer dumb comedic luck he has.
>NoctyxFulgur is an instant hire.
Alban isn't a bad pickup.
Sonny and Uki are NG for different reasons, but a corpo might overlook Sonny's history considering how ancient it is.
>IlunaScarle is a free paycheck for any company that will let her just be her.
Maria, Ren, and Aia are all solid pickups, but they have needs most corpos would not be typically prepared to fulfill (Maria and Ren in the music department, Aia in her Tabletop/Lorefaggotry stuff).
>XsoleilDoppio wouldn't be a bad pickup, but he's a hard sell if you're only looking at his niji work.
The rest would never get hired by a corpo for various reasons.
>KrisisVanta has shown that he can handle high pressure just fine, so he's an instant hire for me.
>TTTKunai is a decent pickup.
Victoria would need a tardwrangler for social media, but isn't a bad pickup either.
There's options.