>>70007780>Anon Mori was disliked due to her Ollie-like tendency to try and influence other members into doing stuff "her way" so that she could "break the walls" or whatever.there was never such tendency, Mori always fought for permissions to do weird shit for her and herself alone and that was primary cause of the initial hate cause of how much she stood out (Charlie stuff, Milky collabs, BGV collabs) with the only known exception being supporting Kiara's push for Nyanners/Veibae collab (because it also opened the doors to Ironmouse collab later on)
>Famously seen during the Kronii arc where she did a 180 after meeting with Mori. Some dumbasses with keep denying it but those who watch streams can piece together what transpired quite easily.the famous example being mainly headcanon considering it happened after Kronii both chose to collab with Tempus AND said she will continue to do so in the infamous member stream
>She has stopped doing that recently, but that doesn't mean she's unicorn friendly or CGDCT, she's simply regressed back to the mean i.e. "Bae" level.which is what I was saying from the start, yes, just based on less retarded logic and rrats and more hard facts and statement from the talent
>Mori is now in a similar situation. Pushing her to either side is retarded.>but other girls collabing with her is also no longer the horrifying corruption prospect it used to be.there is no pushing being done, Mori is open to collabs that are unpopular here and made no public statement or acted in no way that'd suggest otherwise, but circumstances led to them becoming significantly more rare, everything else it's fanfic writing at its peak, like the "corruption prospects" you talk about considering how the only talents she ever involved in Homo collabs she organized were those who either collabed previously or openly stated being open/not opposed to those interactions