Manga / comics.
Art and illustrations of a portrait nature in general (posters, portraits funnily enough, manga / comics, etc.)
Manuals of any kind. E-books.
Working with portrait text documents, letters, bookmaking, etc.
Those are just uses I've done.
Others could be:
browsing various social media on the side
chat programs / sites
status monitors
On that note - tabs are not the same as dedicated window. Only a retard would say that. (hell I'd be surprised if most retards on this board even have a fucking PC, never mind multi-monitor)
There's plenty of valid reasons you'd have multiple chats open next to each other for realtime updates on large projects, moderating chats for [insert topic], having multiple stream chats and other stuff open (like if you were in a company, work discord / slack / whatever other shite people use.)
Most content is very 1 dimensional - up and down. This convention came about because developers were fucking retarded and couldn't do something as simple as make a mouse that could scroll left and right, which can be done multiple ways and has been done multiple ways over the years. (whether holding shift+scroll, right click+scroll, or tilting left and right)
But even then, vertical was still king because it naturally works as single action.
tl;dr faget