>>7021910Hunters generally organize themselves into organizations that can be divided out into three tiers. Cells, Compacts and Conspiracies.
>CellsFrom the lone wolf to the local book club. These groups are made up of a handful of hunters who have come together to deal with the nightmares pray on humanity. Whether its the ghoul down the street selling vampire blood to kids, werewolves killing humans for sport, or the haunted mansion at the top of the hill that needs to be investigated. These guys are often humanities first line of defense against the creatures of the night. Their small size means they are quite agile and stealthy in the field and can go years without being detected by their targets until they strike. Yet Cells are typically isolated in terms of support, operating on limited resources and scraps of knowledge. As such they often take on threats with the resources they can get their hands on. Casualty rates can be quite high in an already ridiculously lethal profession. In the end Hunter Cells either get destroyed, disband after the threat(s) have been dealt with, or they survive and continue the hunt and may even later grow and become Compacts.
>CompactsTwo hunter cells oblivious to each other kick in the door to a vampire haven at the same time, hilarity ensues. Two cells make contact discussing witch covens on /x/ and arrange a meet up. However it happens, sometimes hunter cells run into other hunter cells. Most hunters agree that there is safety in numbers and that taking on the supernatural is a lot easier when you have n+1 members at your back. So they start to coordinate, share resources, and work to cover a larger area. For these groups, the hunt never ends. Compact members stand ready at a moment's notices for the call to mobilize. Compacts tend to operate on a regional scale but aren't large enough to become full nation spanning conspiracies.
>ConspiraciesHere be ye BPRD, Delta Green, SCP:Foundation and the lot. Ultra-secretive, these organizations can span entire nations and even reach across the entire globe. Before you ask, yes the Pope is involved. They have the money, the men, the means and their men are equipped with all the latest toys to take on almost any threat anywhere. These guys are who the monsters fear when they hear a bump in the night. Seriously, according to NWoD lore in 2008 the NSA cracked Shreknet which was the super-sekret darkweb used by vampires to communicate with each other across the globe. Needless to say the fallout was biblical, the clans were decimated and several clan elders were killed in coordinated surgical strikes across the globe led by various groups such as Taskforce: VALKYRIE, The US Governments response to the Supernatural, and the Malleus Maleficarum, a holy order led by the Catholic Church told you that hunt monsters.
>Some Notable Compacts and ConspiraciesThere are a lot of compacts and Conspiracies in WoD lore, both old and new. I'll list a few over the next few days while posting WoD and Hunter Lore.
The Union
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9chF9gYZqI [Embed]
An all American compact made up of a rag-tag collection regular average Joes who work hard protecting their homes and families from the things that go bump in the night.
Arguably one of the newest compacts on the scene. Forming back in the early 2000's though some groups can trace their origins back to individual cells dating back to the early 1900's forming out of various labor unions. The Union tends to opt for a more defensive NIMBY posture regarding the supernatural. They don't actively hunt supernatural creatures unless they come knocking on Union turf at which point The Union will swiftly brings the hammer down. Cells range from your average (if up gunned) neighborhood watch to backwoods militias operating out of a compound in the country.
Night Watch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByT0FErPgfQ [Embed]
Started by a homeless Vietnam Veteran, the son of a murdered cop, and their gang-banger buddies in the lawless ghettos of Pittsburgh during the 1980's. These guys got sick and tired of watching their friends, family and neighbors get eaten by vampires and decided to take the fight to them. Their first raid against a vampire haven and their ghoul stooges was such a success that it led their neighborhood to rise up in revolt against their bloodsucking overlords and drove them out of the city. Made up of the homeless and downtrodden. These guys patrol the streets and protect the meek from those that would make a meal out of them. They also fight crime and work to clean up communities they set up shop in. They run several community outreach programs to help folks get back on their feet, clean up the streets, and keep kids out of prison. Though these are often a cover to recruit new hunters.
Imagine the Guardian Angles from New York City during the 80's and you've got the right idea.