>>70707316I'll post it again to clear up the confusion
it's another shitty company called Unicreate failed to pay their workers, not Anycolor
also it's just a warning letter not actually suing the girl
>girl used to work for Unicreate but they refused to paygirl: where is my payment?
Unicreate: no, fuck you
girl: WTF? *complains to the government*
government: not cool, you have to pay
Unicreate: fine, but you'll regret this, we will spread bad news about you
>Unicreate and Anycolor are neighbors btwUnicreate: hey Anycolor, we found out this girl has been spreading drama about you all over the place, source: trust me bro
Anycolor: WTF? how dare she, call my lawyers
>sends letter to blackmail the girlAnycolor: I heard from Unicreate that you have been trash talking about us, breaking NDAs and spreading false info
Anycolor: cut it out this is not cool, we might sue your ass
girl: ?????
girl: I didn't say anything and I didn't even know you
basically Anycolor is being used by another evil corp to fuck over another girl
another case of their intern lawyer failed to do proper investigation and just panic like usual
also the girl gets response from the lawyer now and it's nothingburger and delete the tweet as advised