How do you feel knowing that Meimei's autism is hereditary because Papa Owl is just as bad, maybe even worse than his precious little owler. That means if you had a child with Meimei, that kid would be doubly autistic Hoomans think of how dangerous such a being could be! Good thing that's just a hypothetical huh. While you're dreaming of things like that, you should keep listening to the family stories that Meimei's dropping onto everyone in her little zatsudan stream at the moment, there's some good stuff in here you know!! Go Bae Go! The return of the coolest, most chaotic rrat is upon us and she's blowing us all away with this super great unarchived karaoke session! If you've never heard Bae singing out these classic songs then you need to hurry up and jump into this stream right now because you've been missing out on some bangers!'s cuteness extends further and further even when she's speaking a language in which I have absolutely no clue in what she's actually saying. The giggles alone is enough to melt your heart though and she does translate things into English, so if you're not busy or anything then you can jump into her stream and get your heart healed right up!'s back on the Yordle grind again with another session of Bandle Tale and Yordle journey! In this game she's performing various tasks for the multitude of yordles in Bandle City, the city of Yordles. From Tristana to THE GREAT EVIL VEIGAR all of your favorite yordles make an appearance and really gets Kaela's League lore autism flowing. It's pretty cute! you live and learn /hlgg/? How about escaping the city? I know you did, I saw you rocking out with Biboo at the end there you can't fool my young eyes. Now that she finished SA2, she's currently closing us off with a super cute small zatsu before she has to go and get ready for her Armored Core collab in like...40 minutes! Praise my daughter for beating another game before you go!