I started watching them recently and Tenma immediatly became one of my favorite streamers, she is really fun.
My opinions so far
Lia - I don't like her solo stuff, but I still have to a deep dive, those look like fun. Her 1-on-1 collabs where they just talk are actually very good.
Iori - Haven't seen her outside of clips
Michiru - Haven't seen her at all
Uruka - Cool violin streams, fun on 1-on-1 silly collabs, haven't tried anything else from them.
Pippa - Hit or miss for me, really fun when it hits. Never actually enjoyed any of her actual gaming in the streams, but she is a very good conversationalist but my enjoyment of her content is like a metronome so probably not for me.
Tenma - I don't know how this woman has wormed her way into my brain the way that she did and it honestly scares me. I fucking love Tenma Maemi, she is funny, she is sweet, she is based, she plays a fuckton of games that I enjoy. I've been going down her playlists and watching every single stream I can catch and I wouldn't have it any other way. That hag is a gift from whatever good aligned higher power out there. My absolute favorite, 10/10
Nasa - Haven't seen her at all.
Lumi - Haven't watched a stream of hers, I've mostly consumed clips and collabs that she showed up on. I think i'll like her, she seems extremely based.
Ember - Very cute, but I don't think I could actually sit down and watch her streams, doesn't scratch my brain often enough to keep me there for a full stream. Kind of middle of the pack
Dizzy - Her content is not my thing, I know a couple of people who would probably like Dizzy and by all means I should also like her, we have very similar tastes in media but if she isn't talking about those then I have no actual interest in watching her.
Jelly - I like Jelly, been trying to catch more of her streams. Entertaining, chill and cringe in a funny way.
Shiina - I love meemaw. I don't care about most of the games that she streams but I really like to listen to her talk about anything, absolute gem of a person.
Panko - Funny in clips, haven't stopped to watch anything from her other than the stream where she commits a italian war crime.
Remilia - Not my thing and I also can't deal with her voice.
Rie - Most clips I watched from her made me laugh, a few of her 1-on-1 collabs with girls where they just talk about women things were very fun but her content on its own is not for me.
Erina - Haven't watched her yet
Airi - Very divided on Airi, she streams some cool games, she is not awful at them and she is funny on her own and with other members, but there is something missing in her stuff and I don't know what it is
Saya - Haven't tried anything from her
Runie - I liked the collabs Runie was in, I'll try watching her tomorrow
Muyu - Haven't tried anything from her
Hina - Gonna try her this week, I like her voice and I've seen some stuff where she showed up. It doesn't feel like I'll watch her but I want to be wrong on this one.
Eimi - Seen a few clips of her that made me laugh, excited to try watching her later.
My japanese is not that good so I don't watch any of the jp members, but Clara in specific speaks english often and she is very fun, I'll try her more later.
Overall I like phase connect, feels fresh compared to other streamers I've been watching lately. Don't think I'll end up watching more than 4 of them regularly but I like how they bounce off of each other. Refreshing to have a anime woman tell me to kill myself right after reading my message.