>>71172156damn man, i dont know what to say.
Those feelings are envy, but its such a human emotion and wrong to stifle. You have a couple paths you can take to deal with these emotions:
1- Direct towards target: simplest and easiest, consider those that cause these emotions evil, attack them, it is cathartic.
2- Use as goal: hardest one, convince yourself that enough effort and skill can overcome the source of your emotions, rebuild yourself so that it is no longer an issue.
3- Reason with Instinct: medium to hard depending on your self-awareness and intellect. kind of like giving yourself therapy, go to the source of these feelings and debate with yourself over their importance and what you prefer over them, are they socially driven? bodily driven? mentally driven? discuss each point and how you could end up better without it. Just earning that clarity will allow you to discard the bad feelings.
4- Go to therapy: not an option for most (too expensive and some dont like therapists), its basically point 3 but better.
5- Deaden emotions: It is a human ability to kill certain feelings and emotions, this has to be a last-case situation. remember that emotions dont die, they just get thrown into the subconscious. this is bad as it begins to twist your personality and affect other parts of your life. Whatever you do, dont do this to emotions related to love.