>>71573575>In what country does someone have to prove they're innocent instead of people having to prove they're guilty?You've just confirmed you're retarded to me. If an accusation is made against you, anything said is just hearsay until you provide proof that the accusations are false. If you refuse to provide proof, then it's a matter of who people believe more, because there's no proof beyond one's word versus another. The burden of proof of an accusation's validity is first placed on the accused, as they have to prove it's bullshit. The ball is in their court to do so. If they can't, the accusation sticks, even if it's bullshit. That's generally how shit works, you braindead Nijifaggot.
>She brought up her suicide and pinned it on the company while also saying she was bullied while Nijisanji said there was none.She said her suicide attempt was due to the build up of stress, you fucking retard. Learn to read. Anyone with basic reading comprehension, and isn't coomer brained over dick sucking ASMR can see it's not defamation. Her lawyer likely reviewed what she said, and gave it the thumbs up. Also, for the record, Nijisanji skinwalked her account to say she had an "accident," so Doki later clarifying what it was isn't defamation you retard.
> Saying her lawyer reviewed her three sentence accusation full of grammar errors is the most hysterical shit to come out of this thing.A lawyer's job isn't to proofread for grammar, you fucking kumquat, it's to make sure nothing said could get their client in trouble. If Niji had a defamation case, they'd actually sue her over her statements by now. There'd be a record of it, because lawsuits being filed are public fucking record. You claim I have no knowledge on the law, but jfc you know nothing about how defamation actually works.
But alright cum for brains, let's assume they could sue her: where would they sue her? The defamation would have occurred after the termination of their contract, so they'd more than likely have to raise the defamation charge in Canada, because that's where she lives. I know enough Canadian law (given that I fucking live in Canada) to know that defamation requires intent and malice to fly, and nothing about Doki's statement can legally be defined as malice, or her lawyer, who is also likely Canadian (or has a license to practice law in Canada) would have told her to not post anything point blank, because what kind of lawyer would allow their client to defame someone publicly?
Come back when you actually understand how the world works, and when you have Niji's cock out of all of your orifices.