I didn't get to answer the anon in the other thread but I assume you're here too and I spent a while writing this because you seemed to respond 9n good faith so I wanted to reciprocate
>>71986491Anon I posted that pic of what Yagoo said in his interview. He isn't fucking talking about us over here where streaming is at least a somewhat normalized and comparatively diverse field with sky-high potential for viewership. He's obviously talking about the JP 配信者界隈, that much is obviously surely. Well anon, it doesn't take a fucking genius to take one look at the fucking streaming scene JP side to realize that not ONLY are Hololive ALREADY the effective top dogs with the exception of occasional spikes from the types of streamers that represent everything wrong with the JP streaming scene, but they also don't fucking offer a real benefit, they offer an illusory one. They LOVE to literally make threads for the EXPLICIT PURPOSE OF HUNTING DOWN QUIET/HIDDEN ACCOUNTS OF FANS WHO PURPOSEFULLY STAY OUT OF PEOPLES WAY because those faggots who make up the majority of the JP streamer scene audience validate their existence exclusively when they can マウント取る those le チー牛キモオタ like they're ghouls from fallout.
People, LOTS of fucking people, watch Hololive because it is the fucking opposite of everything ニコ生 was. Hololive is pleasant. The fans are pleasant to the girls. The girls are pleasant to the fans. Koyo is just one more example of a holo breaking one of the two links in the chain that keeps this shit from descending into the hungry mouths of the same dramaniggers who spent literally years chasing idol threads from board to board on 5ch for the sole sake of harassment.
They call it "slow poison" over there and that name is apt as fuck. And in addition, to rip off a cliché poem about men and islands, no holo is an indie, they are both a holo but in terms of the influence they have on perception, what happens to one will influence perceptions of the box as a whole.
And if it was just koyo, just one, it would be whatever. But you know that this isn't even close to the first time a holo who previously held the line crossed it. Nor the second. Nor the third. It keeps fucking happening. It's not a natural fucking progression either since shit went in the literal OPPOSITE direction in 2021, Subaru for example.
I don't want to regret not doing something earlier if I find myself at some point in the future staring at a Hololive I can't even recognize anymore. I might look like a clown by doing this, but at least I can have fun and laugh. Why the fuck would I care about staying "dignified" in a potential future where my home away from home is gone?