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No.72087554 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Honestly what the fuck is going on with vtuber corpos that all of them seem to have collectively decided that it's a wise move to leave a vtuber in limbo for over a month, not even let her graduate, pretend as if nothing is wrong and completely ignore the fans who are asking what's going on, until things reach a boiling point and suddenly they have to announce she's been terminated. It'd be one thing if it was just Nijisanji, but now we know the same thing happened with V&U, it sounds like it's been happening with Idol as well, and frankly looking back with this in mind I'm realizing it has happened with Hololive a few times too but they managed to sweep it under the rug somehow.

It feels really shady and completely selfish, like they know their relationship with the vtuber in question is toast but they want to try and squeeze that last bit of money with her, so they stay silent and hope people keep spending money on merch and shit. And the fact that all of them are completely okay with doing this makes me sick. The more I see of this, the more I start to realize that all vtuber corporations are terrible and shouldn't exist, and I should stick to indies instead of wasting my time on any of them.