Sure, they had each other’s contact information, but the woman had never once called her directly, preferring to stick to Discord… and rather, more to the point, why now!?
Without waiting to really get her thoughts in order, she nervously answered the call… and wasn’t quite sure what to make of what she heard.
“Hnnnnngh… yeeeeesss~ F-Fill up my baby room… haaah… before you fill out my intestines~ Ahn…~ ahn…~ ahn…~ ……*URRP*...... C’mere~ ……*sluuuurp*...~”
Some sort of impressively vulgarconversation was occurring on the other end of the line between a high-pitched woman and what sounded like several men. It came from a slight distance, as though the phone weren’t pressed up to the speaker’s lips… and yet, it also didn’t quite sound like it was set atop some piece of furniture to the side? The binaural speakers on the blueette’s own device were outputting perfectly balanced audio. It was like… it was like the moaning woman was talking directly at her mic, but that it was simply a meter or two in front of her face.
Nanobites wondered what could be causing this phenomenon. The mystery only deepened when a low, powerful *grrrrrrrrrrllllll*rattled through the line between all the dirty talk and tapered off into some quieter bubbling and *thump*-ing sounds. Moreso, the number of distinct voices involved was staggering, on the order of maybe a dozen or more; it likely wouldn’t be an exaggeration to describe whatever was going on over there as a gangbangor orgy.
“H-Hey, Yuri... sorry for… *URP*... taking a minute there… *hic*... ’phone slipped down my tits and onto my gut when this manly~… gentleman behind me…… *UOOORRP*... *pwah*...! …th-thrusted into my pussy~ …H-How’ve you been holding up~?”
Nanobites was at first too stunned to respond. The voice was just a tad thicker and slower than she was used to, and the things she was saying were ridiculous, but that cadence… the disarming lack of honorifics… there was no mistaking it.
“L-Lia!?Are you really… I mean… is this LiaI’m talking to…?”
“Moouu… Yuri, that’s no way to greet your lovable sempai. Of course it’s me! Where’s the looove~?”
The blueette bit her lip. It was herall right, no doubt in her mind, now. That overfamiliar attitude and dramatized manner of speaking screamed “Rinkou Lia”.
“S-Sorry… haha… it’s just, um… been awhile, you know? …What are you, uh, doing right now?”
“Oh, just a… well… fan meetupis what I’ve been calling them lately~I get together with a bunch of Likers every Monday night and have some funwith them~”
The catgirl heard a couple quick snaps, the type used to try and get someone’s attention.
“Hey! You! What’s-your-face! Come film the next round with this thing!”
“Can do, Lia! Can it be my turn next, though?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever……and you guys over there, don’t you worry, I’m not even closeto full yet~”
“Hey, Lia, what do you mean by–”
“Sorry, gotta hang up for a sec~I’ll call you back in a few after sending you the vid~”
“Vid?Video of wha–”
And with that, Nanobites was abruptly put on hold. She opened her email and, sure enough, there was a link to a .mp4 file about 8 minutes long. Bracing herself, she let the thing buffer for a few seconds before clicking [Play]:
What… must’vebeen Rinkou Lia looked to have quintupled in weight since Nanobites had last seen her. Every inch of the woman’s body was bulgingwith sweaty, dimpled meat, from her now-rotund and wobbly cheeks down to her chubby, bare feet. The woman was like a living lump of jello, with rings of flab forming anywhere and everywhere they possibly could; her elbows and knees were practically buried beneath the cascading rings of adipose
“Haaah… H-Hey, a couple of you guys in the back! This cutie’s… *huff*... all tired out… so let’s hurry up…”
Pausing for a beat to catch her breath, the fatigued Partial Rican began to slowly lick her lips before continuing.
“...and get him packed away in this sexy tummy of mine~”
With a single, forceful push, the captive Likers was shoved into Lia’s mouth head-first. Not content to stop with just a taste, though, the Partial Rican continued slowly, but greedily suctioning him deeper in, mouth stretching over his shoulders and savoring every square inch of his tender skin with refined muscle memory. Flabby arms too heavy and too fatigued to lift after one too many rounds of sex, she began to desperately flap the jiggly appendages up and down like a child wearing floaties in a pool, presumably trying to reach the man’s arms and pull him in faster. So of course, ever at their Captain’s disposal, the rest of the room’s free occupants began funneling him down her wet throat as fast as they could muster.