>>72583589TL;DR Tax law is confusing, and especially when we're younger, most of us either don't think we need or don't think we can afford a "tax person" ESPECIALLY if we come from modest means, which Calli definitely does IIRC.
In fairness, tax law is a shit show in the US especially, but international is surely its own beast. Far too often any of us with half a brain think we can handle taxes half decently self filing.
2015 I made 16k. My return? about 500-900.
Next 3 years, despite a near $1-2 raise, only got 800~ more. Return? Same range.
The 3 years after that? Went from 16k to 40k a year. Returns? No real increase.
I went to a tax person this year (fuck turbo tax self file is all ill say jesus christ never again).
I lost my job last summer, so despite only having half of that 40k n a bit of unemployment, my return was nearly 2k.
My tax person n I are now gonna review/amend prior 2-3 years as best we can. I shudder to think how much $ i may have missed out on for those 3 years, let alone going back to 2015.
2000 total?
8000? More?
My stupid young ass thought "i only made 16k a year, i cant afford a tax person!" and then my thought was "well ive done it myself decently the last 5 years, may as well keep on".
And considering she's 3 years younger than me, I am not surprised at all if she's been struggling with tax shit. We're all just trying to do our best in this shitty world, ya know?