>be me, local native
>dislike manipulating images
>dislike posting manipulated images
>notice the plethora of foreigner-manipulated images in the thread
>the images posted have been distorted into crude mockeries of their original form
>several changes were made to the images posted by the kaigai-niki
>as saruman was to his fighting uruk-hai, the foreigner is to his manipulated images
>the images are employed in achieving the foreigners' goals
>namely, the foreigners' satisfaction
>the foreigners' mirth and revelry in posting these images is palpable
>I report back to my fellow natives on the goings on in these dark and twisted lands beyond our shores
>they are disturbed
>I am disturbed
>the foreigners are elated
>mfw I have no face
>but I am relieved
>for if I had a face, the foreigners would likely manipulate it