amamiya kokoro regarding the moderator situation>あとねえー、あのー…ちょろっとだけぇ、心配されてる方もいると思うんですけどぉ…um yeah... just a quick note, i'm sure some people were a bit concerned...
>モデレーターとかの件はもうとっくのもう昔にぃ…対処済みなのでぇ、regarding the moderator and such, that's all in the past... it's been taken care of
>対処してんのに何を言っているんだと、思いながらぁ、心配しないでくださぁい…so while you might be wondering what i mean by dealing with it please don't worry about it
>ありがとうございましたぁー!(スパチャ読みに戻る)thank you very much! *returns to superchat reading*