>O-oh I guess they didn't want to talk to me and are just doing their own thing (even though I haven't even tried contacting them I'll just act like a mindreader and not do anything because I'm an insecure cuck)seriously why the fuck are Myth like this? Mori does the exact same weak shit as Kiara being so pussified and hands off and just assuming people will come if they want
I'm so sick of this kind of bullshit man, introverts are a fucking cancer on this earth and just ruin everything with their faggy 'social anxiety'
>>72890544stop settling you complacent fucking cuck, people like you are why shit never improves
>adding too much pressure to the call ins would just make the girls not want to do themthis has literally never happened, if they get pressured to do things they fucking do them
if being told 'hey you wanna join my totsu' is enough pressure to make them flake out of doing it they should just lose their job then because clearly they're too scared to do anything