Do you think any holos will play this?'s -kinda- like Lethal Company, but the point of the game isn't to find scrap. Instead, you and your friends go into a dangerous area full of traps and monsters to make recordings to post on "SpookTube". Like actual recordings that record the voices and actions of you and your friends, which then get posted onto the SpookTube account to be viewed by both you and NPCs that'll make comments on what's going on (like some hints on what monsters like or dislike, laughing at how someone dies, or praise for someone's actions or voice).
The maps themselves are randomized, but if you have a full party wipe and lose your camera, it becomes found footage you can pick up later on with a new attempt should RNG send you back to the same map.
The goal of the game is to get money through SpookTube views and everything in the map as well as everything you can buy is just a foil to pursue that goal. It's pretty fun.