>It kinda starts with Kuzuha’s fandom, intensifies due to The First Take, and hate train meta snowballs onward from there. VT haters alliance in Japan already marked Suisei and her fandom as prime target to harass and poke fun of due to her multiple attempts in breaking out from the traditional VT scenes. They don’t want to see VT getting mainstream or any further success/ advancement. Some of them sees VT as invading their daily life not just entertainment, while others just hate successful online celebrities that are not their favorites.
Part of the mentality of such people is * they want to latch or prove that their favorite is number 1, and they feel powerful through being in their fandom*. For example, Katou Juiichi is the best and whoever defeated such moods shall be damned. They called such people unable to read air, make events tasteless, joy killers, etc.
Thses people are sadly also active in Kuzuha’s fandom because Kuzuha is very popular in collabs with such No.1 streamers, so Kuzuha and a very few Nijisanji get a pass even they are VTs. Few years ago Kuzuha tried to lecture them not to harass other streamers and VTs but nobody listened since their main entertainment is No1 streamers (or being attached to No1 streamers). Basically is they feel they are better than VT pig because they mainly Hikakin and Juniichi and co. And because Kuzuha is affiliated and is Nijisanji, it doesn’t feel good to see Hololive or anyone not in that afflicted few Nijisanjis getting any success. The spotlights, the podium, the medal, etc all should be their favorites instead of those VT <insert sex related names>.
Again, there is the saying in Japan “hit the nail that stands out”. People have multiple different reasons to feel discomfort in VT entertainment getting more mainstream exposure. The most standout one is Hololive and the highest chance casual encounter with a VT is Suisei as she marches into national radios, TVs, ads, news, public music broadcast such as shops, transportations, and malls, and local festivals.
I guess Kuzuha fans are the source of holoanti