>>72981700>>72981996What this anon said
If you go through photos of different amerindian populations, you will usually find people who look exactly like Koreans, Chinese, some even somewhat Japanese (not exactly) but everyone is brown.
So, they are practically asians who adapted to the climate conditions of the Americas, including the harsh sun (darker skin). There's also some who look polynesian/islander because apparently those people arrived there by boat by doing a YOLO with rafts and sailing into open sea, the majority died but the few that didn't are the reason why you can see people who look like the guy from Moana walking around in latin american countries.
>>72982202That also too.
I fear for the Chinese if they ever try to fuck with Japan after Taiwan, half of Mexico would join immediately any sort of effort against the Chinese, and after the Mexicans get fucked, the rest of latam would jump into it too, except Venezuela because it would get zerg rushed to deny the Chinese any immediate foothold into latam, it would be so over and would instantly unite the whole continent against them unless Canada goes tits up because """"hints"""".
Also, France would implode if the manga industry comes to a halt.