>>73003449>The only connections she's builtWas by being the biggest female member of NijiEN, The FACE of Nijiunity, The collab organizer, The deal maker, The project organizer, The logistics girl, And being completely and UTTERLY spotless within the company, Her only "sin" was actually being the OPPOSITE of "Anti Niji", You history rewriting fucktard, SHE WAS THE B I G G E S T Nijishill in the fucking company, She defended the corpo when they cancelled AR Live while all of luxiem minus luca were bitching about it, She defended niji for EVERYTHING they were fucking up, She took the fall when THEY fucked over her projects, Took all the blame onto herself multiple times over, To the point dragoons were considering dropping her for how much of a battered housewife she was being
>Kek half those artists complained about NIJI not paying them so Selen had to despite Selen always being the one that's supposed to pay for her commissions. Multiple Niji members talk about having to pay for covers out of pocket.Nijisanji is still supposed to handle said payments even if the organ is the one paying, They had to send artists NDAs and paperwork in order to work with selen and they either never did OR misspelled them and sent them late, Wasn't one of the biggest complaints they had about selen in the termination document something about her not getting proper clearance for things?, WELL WHEN THE COMPANY IS FUCKING UP NDAS AND ARE MONTHS UPON MONTHS LATE FOR DEADLINES, OF C O U R S E SHE'S GONNA TAKE MATTERS INTO HER OWN HANDS RETARD
>She wrote her all in her document which she said she'd talk about to the public.A nijisanji dicksucker expects anyone to take her delusions seriously?, She never said she was gonna make any fucking document public, Niji lied about it, Like they lied about everything else, Doki has ONLY ever said she wanted to move on, You can say this is a "she said corpo said" situation, But considering doki has N O T O N C E shown any bitterness or lingering ill will after it was all said and done, And niji has a LONG long history of being vindictive and garbage and untrustworthy, Yeah i'll take doki's word that she had no intent on making her suffering public, Also here is a minor little factioid that is a little important nothing too major but uh N O B O D Y W O U L D H A V E K N O W N A B O U T T H E D O C U M E N T I F N I J I S A N J I D I D N ' T T E L L U S I T E X I S T E D
>Bingo. Now you get it. When three people have to meet up to record something, these people would rather do it sooner than later because they would be busy. Do you seriously... S E R I O U S L Y believe that livestream wasn't pre recorded?.. Oh my fucking god you brainless fucking ape how utterly retarded can one sister be???, You S E R I O U S L Y want all of us to believe they deliberately rescheduled it half an hour early on coincidence?, God you inbreds all deserve to die, Your organs deserve to die, Your company deserves to die, You are all worthless fucking dregs and wastes of oxygen, a cancer on the entire vtubing community