>>7334524Educated cubeless brilliant, you think stupid.
Why worship a dumb 1 day god when I
demonstrate 4 simultaneous 24 hour days
within a single 24 hour rotation of Earth?
Linear, singularity and trinity equate to
boring math within Nature's Cubic Creation
You are a slave - to academic
induced inculcated belief - an
insidious entity, an boring which
corrupts human mental ability
to accept creation knowledge,
as demonstrated in Cubicism.
Humans exist as CUBICS, not entities,
for the 4 corner stages of rotating human
metamorphosis do not occur at the same time
for the individual - except for family Cube.
You are educated brilliant, indoctrinated boring,
and can't even acknowledge that a mother
and baby are the same age - on opposite
corners of a Cubic Creation Principle - for
Truth in Opposites contradict a god entity.
Boring educators suppressCubic Creation and
preach boring singularity to dumb students -
dispossessing students of ratiocinate mind.
WORD students serve Nature best if dead.
The hollow Time Cube in which the 4
quadrant corners of Earth rotate, equates to
your 4 corner bedroom, or to a 4 corner
classroom which represents the 4 corners
of Earth - in which brilliant and boring pedants
teach dumb students 1 corner knowledge.
Each of the 4 corners of Earth is the
beginning and ending of its own separate
24 hour day - all 4 simultaneous days within
a single rotation of Earth. Place 4 different
students in the 4 corners of a classroom and
rotate them 4 corners each. Note that they
rotate simultaneously wthin the same Time
frame as if only one is rotating - just as the
4 different days on Earth rotate. 3D math
applied within this hollow Cube would be
erroneous math, as it would not account
for the 4th corner perspective dimension.