My thoughts this week
>finally heard Kobo’s Help, and it might be genuinely the best song I’ve heard from the corpo, even beating out Suisei’s Bibibabedi Booya, which is also great
>i teared up a bit with Calli finally beat Jump King
>also telling that the longest break she’s ever taken is a mere 3 weeks, quite the workaholic
>Nerrisa’s unarchcived karaoke was a bit disappointing, with some highlights, Ballade to the Moon being amazing, but most song being mid
>also noticed that she spends so much time on technique that her timing often suffers a bit, but this supposed to be for fun, so no biggies
>Biboo’s DD2 streams are full of clippable moments and she continues to move up the charts of my most watched chuuba
>feels like FuwaMoco hasn’t streamed as much lately, but that may be just the post-move recovery
>Kiara’s MV was okay, but I was never a big fan of her musically
>everyone else was ok, par for the course
Thanks for taking time to read my weekly Hololive thoughts