>>7367448Her voice filters me, and I think it would be the same if she had a grown up model
I still follow her on Twitch tho
>>7367502They tried to cancel her when she revealed her model, but then Holofags and anti-SJWs (Shi**, DimMon and HH being big names) came to her defense
Vtweeters sometimes seethe about her, like when she won a contest about thighs, but every time it backfires giving her attention and following
Now they just make the typical anti-loli tweet and there are individuals that don’t give them the time of the day, that and pretty much everyone watches Hololive or Nijisanji because most ENvtubers suck
>>7368491>>7368583If I have learned something from lurking Twitter (aside of it being a shithole that rewards your shitty takes and double standards) is that there are some CSA victims that cope with being molested in their childhood by self-inserting themselves as lolis/shotas, replicating a pleasant sexual fantasy where they’re in control of the situation
>>7368522That’s normalfags for you, they don’t even know what’s actual pedophilia, CSEM or even lolis. They are also usually: minors looking at NSFW, doxxfags and harassers, shallow virtue signalers, closet loli/shotacons or actual chomos
>>7379128I hope you’re sticking to drawings