>>7424840>>7424910>>7424949>>7424960can you even imagine how ayaka's feet would smell like after her wet sock dance. I mean think about this with me:
1. first of all she's already been walking around in these very same tabi for probably hours on end that entire day since the quest takes place right after act I and is basically non-stop traveling, a little fighting, and a little puzzle solving
2. the river water in chinju forest is probably not ideal since it flows straight from the hole in which the roots of the sakura tree are housed, it's been inhabited by gross tanuki for centuries, there are active hilichurls, and you need to step on the water to get through the path anyway
3. after the dance she just keeps walking on without removing anything, meaning she probably walked all the way to the kamisato estate without ever removing her wet socks the entire way through
the aroma BOMB of the shirasagi himegimi when she sits down on her mat and takes off her dirty sweaty wet tabi would probably be enough to make every retainer around the estate (except thoma) pass out immediately. imagine being able to sniff it up close and lick in-between her toes. it would be an assault on your nose like nothing ever before, not even the worst smells of the material world can compare to what the sweaty feet of the noble miss kamisato can produce. it must be so humiliating for her to see lady guuji yae's miko stationed in the yashiro commission's headquarters to cover her nose trying to sneak away before collapsing in the front door. truly ayaka cannot escape her humanity. sniffing THE shirasagi himegimi's gross feet is the closest thing to an innate, primal experience that humans can go through today, the ultimate reminder that kamisato ayaka is just a regular girl and capable of farting, peeing, shitting and smelling bad just like everyone else. no matter how many layers and how elaborate the kimono, and no matter how much her position grows in society, ayaka will always be the same underneath; a naked quivering smelly little furless monkey, forced to hide from this fact, longing for the touch of someone who can recognize that but does not judge for her, a paradox she can never resolve as the mere thought of revealing her nasty natural side to anyone brings her to tears. glory to the almighty shogun and her everlasting reign