>>74395425Elira was physically in Japan at the time. She couldn't legally refuse to do the black screen because Niji would have been able to sue her into destitution, and they might also have been able to get the police involved (read: getting arrested, deported, and barred from reentry into Japan for either the rest of her life or for a stupidly large number of years)
Oh, and if the civil (and potential criminal) trial(s) lasted too long, or if her US transit visa is contingent on having a valid work and/or vacation visa for Japan, getting fired from Anycolor could potentially have also resulted in her getting arrested, deported from, and barred from reentry into the US when her plane stopped for fuel in Anchorage.
Oh, and the "hippity hoppity, your streaming equipment is now our property!" clause in her contract means not only would she have lost all of the tech gear she brought with her from Canada, but because of how vaguely-written the clause is she might have also lost ownership of the suitcase she used to bring her gear to Japan; and if they were feeling especially petty, they could have declared Petra's residence to be part of Elira's streaming equipment and taken that as well, rendering Petra homeless. Imagine traveling halfway around the world to another country for work and staying at a friend/coworker's house, and then less than 24 hours into your months-long stay your boss tells you "slander your suicidal ex-coworker or we'll fire you and kick your host to the streets, and oh by the way this country's laws allow us to do it".
Oh, and her principled stand would have been all for naught, since they could have just "volunteered" one of the others for the black screen alongside Vox and Ike.
Unless all 31 other talents joined her in protest (Kyo hadn't graduated yet)