Before all start with your offtopic shit
>>74343406Shura is off topic if she is not talking with Yamu
>>74360644>/idol/>>74318335Off topic take your cock queen and left
>>74327490>>74331804>>74342796Your junkie bitch is not welcome here, she is friend with the yuritroon gang and the royal guard the ones who always harass yamu
>she is not friends with them now, she promised usAll of her friends get friendship with yuri afterwards like melkozito or the sendai one manager expersonal whore Enya, watch the previous stream, one of the gang ask her if she was finally using that model, after see what he did he deleted the comment
She plays with them, show them the new models and projects, speak about her problems and issues with them, they probably have discord calls and DM's meanwhile all of her last charlas libres is her doing other stuff because she doesn't want to talk about herself with the soldaditos you have a fake familiar story at most
>Anyone who is not YamuOffttopic make your thread